Ending 2020 on a Positive Note with NICC

Ending 2020 on a Positive Note with NICC

December 23, 2020

2020 has been a difficult year for many families. There is no business, market, or industry which hasn’t been impacted by COVID; this is particularly true for charitable organizations that...

Hand Sanitizer Relief for First Responders

May 5, 2020

This past week, Columbus Chemical Industries leveraged our solvent packaging capabilities to help our community partners push through these trying times. Over 700 bottles of hand sanitizer were packaged for...

CCI COVID-19 Response

March 16, 2020

Columbus Chemical Industries has been monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and the unprecedented steps being taken throughout the world.  CCI has enacted, and will continue to enact, procedures that will...

Focus on Fire Safety: Fall Fun Edition

October 11, 2019

There is a spooky chill in the air these days…  Do you participate in fall activities like bonfires, lighting jack-o-lanterns, or attending Halloween festivities? Adult participation in Halloween season celebrations...


